Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Terrorism uses Fear

Terrorism uses Fear to drive social or political change.
Doesn't that mean that anyone
who uses Fear to create social or political change,
is a terrorist?


Anonymous said...

There are many shapes and forms of terror. So simplified, yes! I have often used forms of terrorism at the dinner table, for instance....eat that zuchini or I will take away your next birthday! Too harsh? How bout the steam and grease that splattered all over my made up face to cook that veg, to their liking, My skin was terrified.

Anonymous said...

Terrorist is any person that uses fear to gain their objective. It is the parent that beats a child, it is the person that beats their spouse, it is the boss that forever belittles his/her employee. Terrorist is a hidden facet of personalities that do not care about the pain they cause others. It is not identifiable at sight, only when the inside devil in a person takes control.