Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A weekend to remember

I've had friends in town for most of this long weekend...

Over the past few months, I've pulled back from my regular social activities and been keeping more to myself. I just wanted to get "grounded" in what it means to be me as well as get something things done. Somewhere along the way, I forgot something.

I've had friends in town for most of this long weekend. We've been out running around, tubing a nearby river, had wonderful Dim Sum breakfast, going to movies, the "occasional drink or two", watched the fireworks displays from a rooftop bar, rediscovering other, long lost friends, and "pasta-and-a-DVD" late nights and shots in the kitchen.

I have remembered what I had forgotten: the joy of great friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen MB. Reminds me, I should call some people....hehe