Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tired of searching for a job and running down job leads

I lost four jobs today. Okay, technically, I loss the opportunity at four jobs with the same company. That was kind of a draining phone call to take.

It hasn't been quite two weeks since I lost my job. I've been keeping a log for my unemployment claim. To date, I have 59 entries of what I've been doing to get a job. Some are those are umbrella entries like "updated 15 job sites with my resume" or "email 20 people with my resume." 59 entries and those are just the ones I remembered for log. I can't tell if I'm doing enough to get a job.

Been on line for literally days on end looking for a job (dial up is very, very very slow. I've considered upgrading but I'm not sure I should spend the money right now.) I've been on IM allot the last two weeks. I went tubing at a local river last Friday, has numerous lunches, dinners and drinks with former-fellow coworkers in the last two weeks but cabin fever is starting. Anger and frustration have started to linger in the background.

I don't interview well. I have an annoying habit of telling the truth while down playing my abilities. My resume is still missing the necessary T.L.A.'s that'd get me employed. My last job offered a limited amount of exposure to allot of things and, thus far, no company has been interested in getting a "jack of all trades, master of few" employee. I need to remember to say "I can learn anything I don't already know." When I do remember to say that, it usually comes out as "If you have a collaborative team that know it and/or an Internet connection, I can learn it." I guess that's not a good enough selling point. Everyone seems to want the "know-i- all that can jump in day one and make them money."

This Wednesday is marks the end of Plan A - find a job in north Austin. Plan A-1 is get any job that will help the unemployment claim pay my mortgage and buy me food when my cash runs out. Plan B includes looking for jobs in other cities including outside of Texas. That'll only be a two week plan too. After that, Plan C - Europe.

I'm tired of looking for a job.

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